Atelier Sankakudo

place : Onomichi-city Hiroshima Japan.
period : 03/02/2010 ~ 09/03/2015.

English is below.

大学一年の春休みからドイツへ行くまでの五年間に渡り、空き家になっていた戦後のバラック建築に改修と実験的施行を繰り返してきた様子の記録映像です。雨漏り・風呂無し・ボロボロ・ぽっとん便所というかなり酷い状態から尾道空き家再生プロジェクトの方々や大工さん・左官さんなど多くの方々に助言や助力を頂きながら自分の手でアトリエ兼住居として物件を再生させました。2015年作者がドイツへ渡ることをきっかけに三角堂という建物として貸し出し、現在は三角堂内にsatie coffeeという珈琲屋さんが入っています。内装はほぼそのままで、私の作品も置いてありますので気になる方は是非ご覧にお越し下さい。

This is a document movie of my renovating project as a diploma artwork of Onomichi University. This project started in February of 2010 when I was in first grade at University and it finished in March of 2015 before I go over to Germany.
Onomichi has many abandoned houses because of an inconvenient situation and an aging society. That house is standing on the hillside where has narrow slopes and steps. Therefore cannot use a car. Such an inconvenient situation leaves many old wooden houses. My renovated atelier was a shack that was built right after world war two. So it was using shabby materials and it makes me a decision to renovate the shabby house completely.
I acquire the skills of renovating through this project. Special thanks for Onomichi-Akiya-Saisei Project The group helped and taught me how to repair a house.
I sold that house and there became a coffee shop “Satie coffee”. But my renovated interior remains and you can see it if you visit there.

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(C) Akihiro Yamamoto All Rights Reserved.

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