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Lost Landscapes Series の「駐車場の上にかつてあった3つの建物」が ART OLYMPIA 2024にて最優秀賞に選ばれました!

この作品の詳細はこちら: Lost Landscapes series

My work "Three buildings that once stood above the parking lot." from the Lost Landscapes series won the first prize at the international competition ART OLYMPIA 2024.
This work collected by the Yamaguchi Museum of Art, in Atami City.

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山本 晶大 - Akihiro Yamamoto

高校生頃から風景写真の撮影やフィルムの現像を始め、現実の風景を心象風景に近づけるために空間に手を加えている内に空間表現に傾倒していき、インスタレーションを主に行うようになる。大学生時代を過ごした尾道では空き家の再生活動に関わったことをきっかけに、空き家を用いたインスタレーション作品などを多数制作。(アトリエ三角堂白昼夢廃墟崩し天井をご覧ください など)2015年からはドイツのベルリンに移住し、アーティスト・アシスタントやハウスマイスター(家の維持管理や修繕を行う仕事)を行いながら制作活動を続け、帰国後は岡山県に新たに拠点を構えて活動中。


実際の作品を観たい、制作を依頼したい、参照・引用や転載をしたいなどの要望がございましたら Contact よりご連絡ください。

I create installations using old Japanese houses, architectural techniques, and video images, as well as works on historical and social issues.
If you would like to see the actual works, or commission a work, please contact me through "Contact". I will reply to your e-mail address. But I do not reply to any scam message.

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2008 - 2009 TOSA美術アカデミー
2009 - 2013 尾道市立大学美術学科(卒業)
2013 - 2015 広島県 尾道市を中心に活動
2015 - 2018 ドイツ ベルリンを中心に活動
2018 - 2024 岡山・尾道を中心に中四国地域で活動中

Born in Kochi Japan.
2008 - 2009 Learned basis of Art at TOSA Art Academy.
2009 - 2013 Complete the Art course of Onomichicity University.
2013 - 2015 In Onomichi-city Hiroshima, Japan.
2015 - 2018 In Berlin, Germany.
2018 - 2024 In Okayama, Japan.

Art Olympia 2024 最優秀賞 (Grand Prize)

Solo exhibition
2012 mori 鳥がいない (The forest - without a bird): Komyoji-Kaikan Gallery, Onomichi Hiroshima Japan.
2012 白昼夢 (Daydream): Onomichi Hiroshima Japan.
2017 Die Verwandlung: BERLIN-WEEKLY GALLERY, Berlin Deutschland.
2019 骨とミイラと (Bones and Mummies): HYM Building, Uno Okayama Japan.
2024 ショッピングモールは夢を見る (Dreaming shopping mall after closing): Museum of Tamano, Okayama Japan.

Group exhibition
2011 伝書鳩 (A carrier pigeon): Jodoji-temple, Onomichi Hiroshima Japan.
2013 カゲナゲル (Kagenageru): Guesthouse Anago-no-nedoko, Onomichi Hiroshima Japan.    
2017 Shikano Artfestival 01: Shikano Tottori Japan.    
2018 Ferne Verwandtschaften: Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum, Berlin Germany.    
2018 鹿野芸術祭02 (Shikano Art festival 02): Shikano Tottori Japan.    
2021 昔、ここは海だった (Once upon a time, here was the sea): Hayashima Okayama Japan.    
2022 鹿野芸術祭2022 (Shikano Art festival 2022): Shikano Tottori Japan.
Workshops & Events
2015 Make a small house!: Amakusa nursery, Amakusa Kumamoto Japan.
2015 Abbauen und Abwanderungswerkstatt: Das Japanische Haus, Leipzig Germany.    
2019 水辺のキッチン(Social kitchen) Renovation Workshop: Tamashima Okayama Japan.
2020~ 迷宮堂 (Onomichi Labyrinth House) Renovation Workshop: Onomichi Hiroshima Japan.
2022~ ずくりワークショップ 玉地区を歩く: Uno Okayama Japan.

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Art Works
Lost Landscapes series
  Since Aug.2023 -

ショッピングモールは夢を見る ( Dreaming shopping mall after closing. )
  Single channel video
  06.Apr.2024 - 06.May.2024

生口島のゲストハウスのためのコタツテーブル ( Kotatsu Table for Guesthouse in the Ikuchi-jima island )
  Kotatsu Table
  Installed Apr.2024

シドラハウスのための書架 ( Bookcase for Siddra House )
  Installed 15.Sep.2023

牛をひく、鹿野にて ( A torn world, from Shikano. )
  Single channel video
  Residenced and exhibited in the Shikano Art Festival 2022 in Tottori, Japan.
  20 - 23.Nov.2022

昔、ここは海だった ( Once upon a time, here was the sea. )
  Art installation.
  Ikashi-no-ya Hayashima Okayama Japan
  20 - 21.Nov.2021

骨とミイラと ( Bones and Mummies )
  Art installation.
  1-7-3 Uno, Tamano-city, Okayama Japan. Third floor in HYM hostel.
  20 - 27.Oct.2019

空き家と雨と虫 ( Vacant house with rain and insects. )
  Art installation.
  Residenced and exhibited in the Shikano Art Festival 02 in Tottori, Japan.
  05 - 08.Oct.2018.

Nostalgia ( ノスタルジア )
  Exhibited in the group exhibition “FERNE VERWANDTSCHAFTEN”
  02.Sep - 02.Nov.2018.

目目連 ( Mokumokuren )
  Video installation.
  Residenced and exhibited in the Tanaka-tei in Sikano.
  25 - 30.Mar.2017.

Die Verwandlung ( 変身 - Metamorphosis )
  Video installation.
  Exhibited at the BERLIN WEEKLY GALLERY.
  12.Jan - 12.Feb.2017.

滞在制作作品 in ライプチヒ ( A Port Town )
  Art installation.
  Residenced and exhibited at the Das Japanische Haus in Leipzig.
  09 - 15.Nov.2015.

天井をご覧ください ( Look at a ceiling )
  Video installation.
  Exhibited in the group exhibition “Kagenageru”
  04 - 06.Oct.2013.

廃墟崩し ( Break Ruins )
  Document movie.
  Onomichi-city Hiroshima.
  04 - 16.Aug.2012.

白昼夢 ( Daydream )
  Art installation.
  Exhibited at Onomichi-city Hiroshima Japan.
  01 - 08.July.2012.

mori - 鳥がいない ( The forest - No birds )
  Art installation.
  Exhibited at Komyoji-kaikan in Onomichi-city, Hiroshima Japan.
  26.Jan - 06.Feb.2012.

アトリエ三角堂 ( Atelier Sankakudo )
  Document movie / interior / renovation.
  10-26 Nishi-Tsuchido-town Onomichi-city Hiroshima Japan.
  Feb.2010 - Mar.2016

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Column in the ADF Web Magazine

My monthly article about art, design and architecture. You can choose English or Japanese at the left side of top menu.

Shikano Art Festival 2020 Program-B Column 「鹿野採話集」& 鹿野滞在コラム

「鹿野芸術祭2020 小さな花束のように」に鹿野の方々からのお話を集めたものを掲載させて頂いております。「鹿野芸術祭2020 小さな花束のように」は、新型コロナウィルス感染症の影響により本来予定していた滞在制作や展示を行うことが困難となったため、従来の方式を取りやめてアーティストの絵画や文章などを掲載した紙面を鹿野町の家々に配布し、同時にWeb掲載を行って、滞在制作や展示にかわる方法で鹿野町の人々にアートをお届けし、アーティストと住人の方々との交流を図る企画です。私はプログラムBの「鹿野採話集」という企画をさせていただいています。(連載期間は終了しております。)
Sorry, this column is Japanese only.
I am publishing a collection of stories from the people of Shikano in "Shikano Art Festival 2020: Like a Small Bouquet". Due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, it has become difficult to hold the residency and exhibition that was originally planned for the Shikano Art Festival 2020, so we have decided to cancel the traditional method and distribute a publication of the artists' paintings and writings to the villagers of Shikano. This is an alternative to residencies and exhibitions, and it is a way to deliver art to the people of Shikano and promote interaction between artists and residents. At the same time, we are also posting about the Shikano Art Festival on the web to let as many people as possible know about it. I am working on a project called " Shikano Story Collection", which is part of Program B. Since the monthly series of articles for the year 2020 has ended, I will be updating the articles irregularly with stories related to the fieldwork I did in Shikano in October 2021.

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Since 2012.09.02. (C) Akihiro Yamamoto All Rights Reserved.

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