Artist in Residence at Das Japanische Haus e.V.
A Port Town

materials : Wood, paper, string, wire, light
Since 09/11/2015 to 15/11/2019

English is below.

2015年11月9日から15日にかけての一週間に渡ってドイツのライプチヒの日本の家(Das Japanische Haus e.V.)にて滞在制作・展示を行った作品です。廃棄された木材を使用して家型の照明を制作・設置し、白い紙で作った船を天井から高さを揃えて吊るし、屋内に架空の水平線に浮かぶ港町を作りました。
ライプツィヒはベルリンから車で2時間弱ほどのところにあるドイツ内陸部の街で、活版印刷発祥の地であり、ベルリンの壁の崩壊もライプツィヒで行われたデモがきっかけで起こったと言われているほど市民運動に積極的な人の多いエリアです。その一方で、日本の家のあるアイゼンバーン通りはドイツで一番治安の悪い通りと最近まで言われていました。私が滞在制作を行ったときには治安は比較的落ち着いていましたが、そんな悪評の影響もあって地価が比較的安いことから移民や若者が多く、日本の家で行われるKüche für Alle(ごはんの会:みんなでご飯を作り、炊き出しのようにご飯を食べたい人が自由に日本の家でご飯を食べることができる会。ごはんの値段は投げ銭方式で、お金のある人は多めに支払い、お金のない人は無銭でも食べられる。)にはホームレスの方やドイツに亡命してきた難民の人達、近くの若者やおじいちゃん、大学の教授など様々な人がご飯を食べに集まり、普段であればあまり交流しないような人とも出会う不思議な場が出来上がっていました。

This work was created during a week-long residency and exhibition at Das Japanische Haus e.V. in Leipzig, Germany, from November 9 to 15, 2015.
I made and installed house-shaped lights out of discarded wood, and hung white paper boats at different heights from the ceiling to create an imaginary port town floating on the horizon indoors.
Leipzig is an inland city in Germany, less than a two-hour drive from Berlin. It is the birthplace of letterpress printing, and it is said that the fall of the Berlin Wall was triggered by a demonstration held in Leipzig, so it is an area where many people are active in civil movements. On the other hand, Eisenbahn Street, where the Das Japanische Haus is located, was said to be the most unsafe street in Germany until recently. During my stay in Germany, the area was relatively safe, but due to the bad reputation, land prices were relatively low, which attracted many immigrants and young people.
Küche für Alle is an event where people who want to eat rice can freely do so in a Das Japanische Haus, and the price of the rice is based on a "toss-and-pay" system, with those with money paying more and those without money eating without paying. A group where everyone cooks rice and those who want to eat can do so freely in a Das Japanische Haus, just like a soup kitchen. It was a magical place to meet people you would not normally interact with.
Leipzig does not have a port or even a sea. This was also the case in Berlin, and having grown up by the sea all my life, it was the first time for me to spend time in a place without a sea. The more time that passed, the more nostalgic I became for the sea. This longing for the sea, mixed with the magical place of a Das Japanische Haus where people from all walks of life, including those who have been exiled across the sea and those who originally live there, drift in and out of each other's homes, resulted in the creation of this work.

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(C) Akihiro Yamamoto All Rights Reserved.

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