
Collage works
Groupe exhibition “FERNE VERWANDTSCHAFTEN” at Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin.
02.Sep.2018 - 02.Nov.2018
Mixed media

English and German sentence is below.

この作品群はベルリン日独センターで開催されたFERNE VERWANDTSCHAFTEN(日本語訳:遠いつながり)というグループ展に出展したものです。





Das Thema ist Nostalgie. Nostalgie steht in Beziehung zum Herkunftshintergrund zur Identität. Wenn ich ein Ornament auf einen gewöhnlichen Gegenstand setze, um ein Gefühl der Nostalgie zu erzeugen, bekommt dieser gewöhnliche Gegenstand eine individuelle Komponente. Ich habe ein paar vertraute Gegenstände aufgegriffen und bestimmte Ornamente hinzugefügt, um ihre nostalgische Wirkung zu verstärken. Sollte dem Betrachter das so von mir Umgestaltete nicht seltsam vorkommen, dürfte er bzw. Sie einen ähnlichen kulturellen Hintergrund haben wie ich.

These works were exhibited in a group show called FERNE VERWANDTSCHAFTEN (means: Distant Connections) at the Japan-Germany Center Berlin.

Before I came to Berlin for the first time, the image I had of Germany was a scene full of elegance, with stone buildings that looked like something out of a fairy tale. However, in reality, Berlin was a slightly dirty modern city with buildings covered in dirty graffiti, streets overflowing with trash such as broken beer bottles and cigarette butts, and streets overflowing with people from all walks of life, a far cry from the fairy tale atmosphere.
In terms of climate, as well as the racial and cultural diversity of its inhabitants, Berlin is completely different from the environment of my hometown. Despite this, strangely enough, when living in Berlin, I find myself suddenly feeling a sense of familiarity and nostalgia for the scenery and things that I see, thinking, "Oh, this place has a similar atmosphere to that place."

In this group exhibition, I found things in my daily life that gave me a sense of nostalgia as well as a sense of Berlin, added a few materials I brought from Japan to them, and finished my work.

For example, I found a rusty spray can on the street. In Berlin, where there is a lot of graffiti, used spray cans are often mixed in with other garbage on the street. Having grown up in a seaside town where I often saw rusty cans and other garbage washed up on the beach, rusty cans are one of the things that evoke nostalgia in me. On the rusty spray cans, I stuck barnacles that I picked up from the beach when I returned to Japan to evoke my nostalgia more strongly. The barnacles remind me more of familiarity and nostalgia, but for people who grew up inland in Germany, far away from the sea, they would evoke a sense of intense discomfort and grotesqueness, rather than nostalgia. The work of attaching cicada shells collected in Japan to oak tree branches found on the side of the road in Berlin would also give a sense of discomfort to people who grew up in northern Europe where cicadas do not exist. On the other hand, spray-painted graffiti on a portion of the white exterior wall and the words "参上!" on a part of the white exterior wall would be accepted as "just a common exterior wall with graffiti" by both Japanese people and people in Berlin without feeling much incongruity. This is because "white exterior walls with graffiti" are ubiquitous today, a common experience that almost everyone has seen.

I believe that nostalgia is a form of connection between a person's identity and their environment. If we only feel nostalgic for what is there, it is a small phenomenon that ends up being a personal experience or sentiment of only that person. However, the moment you try to amplify nostalgia by adding something to the thing that causes it, it turns into a foreign object that is uncomfortable for people who do not have a common background. The more local or personal the factor that causes nostalgia, the stronger the nostalgia that person feels, while those who do not have a common experience will feel a stronger sense of discomfort. Through this work, I tried to highlight how much nostalgia is tied to personal experience and identity, and how it looks to those who have approximate experience and those who do not.

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