Look at a ceiling.

materials : Projector, tracing paper, centipede.
period : 04/10/2013 - 06/10/2013
place : Guest house Anago-no-nedoko, Onomichi-city Hiroshima.

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/586269489
YouTube: https://youtu.be/f14rAbuC2Fo

English and German is below.


This is my first video installation that works with projection mapping. I made these works for the joint exhibition "Kagenageru" (means "Throw a shadow"). Images of centipedes taken through translucent paper are enlarged and projected on the same translucent paper, making it seem as if giant centipedes are crawling on the ceiling of the guesthouse's corridor.

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(C) Akihiro Yamamoto All Rights Reserved.

inserted by FC2 system